Absolutely disgusted at the lack of customer service recieved today from Kathryn.I was waiting at her till with my son to checkout. She literally served the customer in front of us then walked off shouting across the shop that she was going home. No word to us she literally abounded her queue. She then returned a few... read full comment
We offer thousands of quality products in store with over 1,000 well-known brands in key categories such as food and drink, health and beauty, household, gardening, DIY, pet, stationery, books, DVDs and toys.Over 90 per cent of what we sell in our stores can be found for just £1 - we know that simple pricing is what you love about us. But we also know you recognise a bargain when you see it - that's why we also have a selection of items for £2 & £5 - each offering amazing additional value.PEP&CO is bringing new style to Poundland with simple low pricing on family fashion that's hard to find on local high streets. Prices at PEP&CO start at £1 and 95 per cent of the range is under £10.00.