Only went to look! (Famous last word's) pleasant experience, no pushy salesmen. Great deal, as can be expected from DFS. Thank you, Neil
January 2024
Excellent service, no hounding, asked if we were ok once and when we needed someone they were there to answer our questions. And our gorgeous sofa arrives today thanks to everyone at carcroft DFS ❤️
No matter what's your thing, find your perfect sofa at our DFS Carcroft furniture & bed store. Here at DFS, we have over 45 years of experience and expertise in making high quality and stylish sofas. We provide the biggest range of sofas in the country, so why not come along to our DFS Carcroft store and find your thing. So whether it's a leather sofa, corner sofa, king size bed or double mattress you'll find your perfect choice at DFS Carcroft. We also have our website for online shopping and provide home delivery. Located on 16 High Street DN6 8DP, you can rest assured knowing that when you visit your local DFS furniture & bed store, you're getting the best in range and quality, all with the help of our in store experts.