Holt Antiques at Walsingham Mill
4.6 -
12 votes.
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The Old Mill, Coker's Hill, Walsingham NR22 6BN
Most Recent Comments
December 2023
One of the best antique shops in the country. Incredible stock.
September 2023
It would have been useful to have had your opening hours on Google to have saved me a wasted journey. I have updated your hours and phone number as I’m sat in your car park outside.
March 2023
Really informative and interesting.
More Comments(12)
From Holt Antiques at Walsingham Mill
Specialists in 15thC, 16thC, 17thC, 18thC and early 19thC antique period oak and country furniture, antique metalware, antique portraits, antique ceramics, antique wood carvings, antique treen and antique glass.
CINOA Member
Norfolk and Suffolk Antique Dealers Association Member