Terrible store will not be shopping at lidl again, would not recommend this store for anyone with a disability.
March 2024
The security is horrendous in this place, please don't walk around the store looking if you want anything (I was looking to see if they had the Lidl onesie to go with the Lidl shoes I have at home but they didn't, and we had carried on looking to see if we wanted anything) and walk out with nothing they will try and search... read full comment
Everyone knows we're Lidl on price. So, it's time to tell you what we're Big on. We're Big on Quality. Big on the big shop. Big on all the things that matter. Big on the things that make cupboards and bellies and life feel fuller. Big on detergent that gets your socks white and cheese that knocks them off. Big on carrots that crunch and chillies with bite. Big on cuisine from far and wide, and meat from local farmers. Big on brands and biscuits and baby stuff and bicycle pumps and butter. We're Big on everything. Except of course, on price, because that's where we'll always be Lidl.