The Copyshop
4.5 -
26 votes.
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45 Knights Hill, Norwood, London SE27 0HS
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March 2024
Super fast friendly service and cheap, in a good way,
December 2023
I can't speak highly enough about the SRA Copyshop. The staff are so friendly and kind, and go out of their way to be helpful. They have been so patient with me when I've come back with last minute changes, and kindly explained some techie stuff to me which I asked for help with.Being a charity, for some reason i assumed...
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December 2023
Press the buzzer no one’s to open!!!
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From The Copyshop
The Copyshop is a social enterprise run by Southside Rehabilitation Association (SRA), a registered charity. We provide a complete professional printing service. The shop is staffed by our trainees who are gaining valuable experience and skills to enable them to progress and move on into paid employment, college courses or volunteering. All of our trainees have suffered from poor mental health and are supervised by paid staff. By using our shop you are supporting the charity and helping us to support more people to become more socially integrated into their community.