If you like overpriced, out of date produce. If you like walking to a shop to find it has closed an hour early for no reason at all, then this is the shop for you! At least 10% of the drink is knock-off, not genuinely branded. The staff, off which he only hires one at a time, are always working extremely hours set by the... read full comment
April 2023
Not happy! They keep robbing off me, they put products on the shelves that are out of date and reselling vapes that have been already been used to be resold again. I have tried to reach the owner of the shop but no answer? Will be reporting to council as this has happened numerous of times!
March 2023
Not happy! They keep robbing off me, they put products on the shelves that are out of date and reselling vapes that have been already been used to be resold again. I have tried to reach the owner of the shop but no answer? Will be reporting to council as this has happened numerous of times!