R & L Motors

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Auto Repairs
Lugsdale Rd, Widnes WA8 7UE


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Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.


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From R & L Motors

R and L Motors Widnes are the local alternative and positive solution to the Franchised Main Dealer Network.Not only do we service your car to all Manufacturers Service Schedules but more often than not we go beyond and for a lot less of the cost. We are committed to achieving the highest levels of car servicing but without incurring Main Dealer prices. From our humble beginnings in 1989 to the current day our ethos has always remained the same. Not only do we build a history with your car but we build a relationship with you. Our Qualified team of 4 are trained in all areas relevant to your enquiry. So you can rest assured that you are always in safe hands.